Corporate Governance


As an Association, we have a Code of Ethics (Conduct) that, as with all the financial institutions that we group together, includes the legal and ethical parameters that govern the organization’s conduct with its stakeholders.

The ethical commitment of the Mexican Banking System transcends the mere compliance with the law and extends to the generation, administration and control of different operating and information systems that guarantee the case and preservation of all its publics’ rights and interests. Therefore, in order to maintain an ethical and transparent conduct, various reporting and consultation channels have been designed, most of which, are aligned to resolving concerns about the code of ethics of the institution or internal regulations. The reporting channels comply with the characteristics such as confidentiality and in some cases, are external to the operation of the organization.

Codes of ethics focused on the relations with specific stakeholders have been created, for example, with suppliers and civil organizations. In general, the codes contain protocols to facilitate the processing, evaluation and resolution of complaints.

Training is one of the tools used to instill the code of ethics throughout the organization. In many case, this training is obligatory for all employees and is accompanied by a letter to be signed to accept and commit to the performance of the code.

Hours of training on associated Financial Institutions’ codes of ethics in 2014

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