Care for Our Environment

Sustainable Energy

In 2014, our associate banks invested a total of $925.6 million pesos to implement different types of environmental projects, among which we can mention:

Environmental certifications (LEED or ISO 14001, among others)
The purchase and renewal of eco-efficient equipment
Automated systems to save in the consumption of materials
Internal awareness and training campaigns
Volunteering or organization support activities for environmental causes
Projects to incorporate sustainable energy into the operation of offices and branches

A significant number of our institutions have Environmental Committees or departments focused exclusively on the environmental management of each institution. This personnel receives the support of Upper Management and the different operating areas in order to foster a culture of environmental care among employees, encourage their participation in volunteering programs and training programs, coordinate actions to reduce the environmental impact in the operations and services rendered and publish the results of each initiative among the different publics.

Sustainable Energy
Mexico is consolidating significant favorable structural reforms which, at an environmental level, generate important areas of opportunity. An example of this is the Energy Reform, which has stimulated foreign investment, the development of infrastructure and will ultimately generate significant benefits in the quality of life of Mexican society.

The Mexican Banking System plays a relevant role in this framework by offering financing and implementing policies and processes that identify, control and manage the adverse impacts of the loans on communities, considering the social-environmental risks of the projects to be financed.

The Mexican Banking System not only drives the development of renewable energy projects, but also uses this energy to supply its office and branch operations, with which it gives a significant impetus to the use of renewable assets in the country and makes the entire banking operation more sustainable.

In 2014, our institutions consumed 508.5 million kwh of energy from sustainable sources sustentablesin their operations.

Environmental Education and Awareness
Training is a key piece for the incorporation of an environmentally-responsible culture in financial institutions. Therefore, as an industry, we recognize and promote innovative environmental awareness and sensitization campaigns on themes that concern the operation of each business. For example, the use of paper, savings in energy and water and the circulation of internal environmental policies.

In addition to the campaigns, formal training programs are implemented for employees in environmental issues and informal talks are given for those who participates in environmental volunteering activities. As a result of this effort, in 2014, approximately 11,650 people benefited from environmental contents and information relevant for their employment performance and as volunteers.

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